Vertical Gland Less Pump

Characteristics and Design Features

It can run dry, without any substantial damage.
• Leak proof performance as eliminating usage of Mech. Seal / Gland Packing.
• Zero Maintenance.
• Low Inventory Cost.
• Compact Design as per ISO 2858 (DIN 24256).
• The only substitute for Submerged / Submersible/ Self priming
Horizontal Pumps.
• Reduction in down time production losses.


Superiority of UHMW-PE (Ultra High Molecular Weight – Polythylene)
over conventional materials.
• It exhibits exceptional wear resistance comparable to Ni-Hard, HV-9A, Alloy-20, Hastelloy etc.
•liwears PP GFP, GRP etc for pumping corrosive & abrasive slurry is used for almost all Acids, Solvents and Alkalies.

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